The Metabolic Balance Profile is a comprehensive blood test that assesses various aspects of your metabolism. It provides a detailed picture of your bodys ability to process nutrients, manage energy levels, and maintain overall health.
This profile includes a combination of tests that evaluate Blood cell’s function, Digestive health, Liver function, Mineral balance, Kidney function, Electrolytes, Blood sugar control, Inflammation, Lipid profile & Thyroid function.
Both (Male / Female)
Both (Male / Female)
1. Complete Blood Picture (CBC)
2. Amylase, Serum
3. Alkaline Phosphatase
4. Serum Calcium (Total).
5. Bilirubin (Direct)
6. Bilirubin (Total)
7. Fasting Plasma glucose
8. C-Reactive Protein (CRP) Titer
9. Cholesterol. /HDL/LDL/Triglycerides.
10. CK (Total)
11. Iron Level, Serum
12. Gamma GT (GGT)
13. SGOT (AST)
14. SGPT (ALT)
15. Total Protein, Serum
16. Blood Urea Nitrogen
17. Uric Acid, Serum
18. Serum Potassium (K)
19. Serum Creatinine
20. LDH
21. Lipase Level in Serum
22. Sodium (Na), Serum
23. TSH