“خدمة طبية عالمية فى مصر”

BACTEC TB SYSTEM alfa Laboratories New Technology For The Early Diagnosis of Tuberculosis

The use of the conventional Lowenstein-Jensen medium for TB culture has limitations with regards to the time required and frequent negative results. It is well known that the use of liquid based culture systems improves the recovery and shortens the time required to detect TB.

BACTEC TB system is most widely accepted as the reference standard in developed nations. The majority of the clinical specimens are positive by BACTEC during the first two weeks of incubation. Smear-negative cases are picked up in about 24 days. BACTEC was found to be more sensitive (statistically significant) in detecting more number of MTB from respiratory as well as non-respiratory specimens, especially in cases of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and pleural fluids.

The advantages of TB BACTEC system are:

If it gets contaminated, the medium can be processed again for decontamination to recover mycobacteria.
The early availability of results; the majority of specimens are positive by BACTEC within 15 days; heavy smear positives (4+, 3+) show growth in < 5 days, while smear negative specimens show growth in 24 days.
Higher recovery rate, especially in paucibacillary specimens.

[Preliminary results are expected within 2 weeks].
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